Momentum for Parkinson’s
Motor Therapies
Market-bound therapies for Parkinson’s motor symptoms and
medication complications are picking up pace. The U.S. Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) approved a new symptomatic treatment this
summer and others aren’t too far behind. The Michael J. Fox Foundation
(MJFF) got many of these drugs off the ground by “de-risking” early-
stage testing and attracting companies to take them over the goal line.
In August, the FDA approved Gocovri, the first
drug specifically to treat levodopa-induced
dyskinesia (LID) — involuntary, uncontrolled
movements that can occur with long-term
use of levodopa. Because levodopa is the
most commonly prescribed medication for
Parkinson’s disease (PD) motor symptoms, LID
can affect quality of life for many. symptoms but often is used for dyskinesia
as well.) Gocovri levels peak during the
day, when dyskinesia typically is most
troublesome, and decrease at night, when
medication side effects might otherwise
interfere with adequate dosing. MJFF led
the development of a dyskinesia rating scale,
which verified the medication’s effect in
clinical trials. (Read more in the sidebar on
the next page.)
The new drug, developed by biotech
Adamas, is a once-a-day, long-acting
reformulation of immediate-release
amantadine, which has been available for
many years. (It is approved for PD motor Other LID therapies in the pipeline include
Foliglurax, a drug in Phase II trials, and
focused ultrasound, a non-invasive surgical
technique that targets ultrasound to specific
brain areas involved in dyskinesia.
The Fox Focus