“I think it’s so important for people with Parkinson’s
to know that there are others advocating for them
and that they, too, can get involved and make their
voices heard.”
Parkinson’s and their loved ones contacted their
lawmakers over 26,000 times on this issue.
The Peters also work closely with a group of
active advocates in Colorado to frequently speak
up on PD-related policy issues and create positive
change. “We let people know how advocacy work
has enhanced our lives,” said Leslie. “And we share
information in a local newsletter so people can
learn how to take action.”
“Emailing and calling takes just a few minutes,
and The Michael J. Fox Foundation makes it
really easy to do,” Steven said, referencing the
Foundation’s policy offerings, including emailed
action alerts and an online toolkit.
Leslie added, “I think it’s so important for people
with Parkinson’s to know that there are others
advocating for them and that they, too, can get
involved and make their voices heard.”
While none of the health care reform
plans proposed earlier this year received enough
support to become law, at the time of publication,
some lawmakers expressed interest in pursuing
additional reform bills. Stay tuned for the latest
news at michaeljfox.org/policyblog.
As lawmakers consider legislation with
the potential to impact the Parkinson’s
community, they must hear from the people
who live with the disease every day. By
sharing your experiences with members of
Congress, you can help shape policies that
affect people with Parkinson’s disease (PD)
and their loved ones.
and priorities in conversations with elected
officials and includes:
» The state of current PD policy issues, including
health care reform and research funding
» Tips for building relationships with legislators
» Best practices for using social and traditional
media to advocate
Make your voice heard in the public policy
process! Download the toolkit now at
The Foundation’s new Parkinson’s Advocacy
Toolkit can help you speak up for your needs
Fall/Winter 2017