The Bachmann-Strauss Prize for Excellence in Dystonia
Research and the Robert A. Pritzker Prize will be awarded
in November.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF) annually awards two major
research prizes to scientific leaders whose work has transformed
research of Parkinson’s disease and dystonia (the third most
common movement disorder). The prizes, which are each
accompanied by a $100,000 grant, will be conferred upon the
recipients at a November 11 event in New York City.
The Bachmann-Strauss Prize for Excellence
in Dystonia Research aims to broaden
public awareness and recognize key
scientific discoveries in dystonia. The prize
was established in 2014 with a leadership
commitment from the Bachmann-Strauss
Dystonia and Parkinson Foundation (BSDPF).
The prize builds on a 10-year working
relationship between the foundations,
including BSDPF founder and current MJFF
Board member Bonnie Strauss.
The Robert A. Pritzker Prize for Leadership
in Parkinson’s Research is named in honor
of the renowned industrialist, entrepreneur
and philanthropist and honors scientists
who have made vital contributions to PD
research and who mentor others in the field.
It is supported by his daughter, Karen Pritzker,
and her husband, Michael Vlock. The prize is
designed by renowned artist and person with
Parkinson’s Tom Shannon.
As this newsletter was going to print, the
Foundation was saddened to hear of Michael
Vlock’s passing.
Coming soon: Look for our video
showcasing the 2017 prize recipients and
their impact on neurodegenerative
disease research.
Fox Trial Finder is our online matching tool that lets you search for Parkinson’s
studies recruiting worldwide. Anyone, including those without PD, can
participate to help accelerate research. Enroll now at
Fall/Winter 2017