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People with Parkinson’s and their loved ones
know firsthand the importance of a good
doctor. Throughout life with Parkinson’s
disease (PD), patients need a physician
who can adjust sometimes-complex
medication regimens, incorporate newly
available therapies, and, if necessary, call on
other experts, such as physical and speech
therapists, to round out a care team.
train clinician-researchers who can directly
link patients to the scientific developments
necessary for new and better therapies.
Annually, this program selects five academic
institutions from around the world to train a
movement disorder specialist over a two-year
period — as of early 2018, a total of 20 fellows
will be supported.
The MDS-PAS Movement Disorders School
for Neurology Residents provides physicians
in training a two-day immersion in Parkinson’s
and other movement disorders. At a period
when these doctors are contemplating career
paths, the course offers comprehensive
education and interaction with internationally
renowned movement disorder experts. Over
the past two years, 150 residents from across
the world and spanning all three years of
neurology training have attended. The 2018
program hopes to host 100 new students.
Movement disorder specialists — neurologists
with extra training in Parkinson’s — have the
knowledge and experience necessary to offer
this holistic and individualized care. But not
everyone with PD sees a movement disorder
specialist because there aren’t enough of
them. Lack of funding for fellowship training
and limited exposure to the specialty during
residency hold doctors back from pursuing
movement disorder careers.
To meet current and growing needs of
Parkinson’s care and research, a broad, global
base of movement disorder specialists is key.
Drawing on our “if not us, then who” attitude,
The Michael J. Fox Foundation (MJFF),
with longtime partner the Edmond J. Safra
Foundation, is investing in two initiatives to fill
the pipeline of Parkinson’s experts and secure
the field’s future.
As more therapies move into testing and
to market, it is critical to have a workforce
of trained specialists who can optimize
care, advance research and connect the
dots between the two. Investing in the next
generation of movement disorder specialists
will have long-term gains for the entire
Parkinson’s community.
The Edmond J. Safra Fellowship in Movement
Disorders aims to bridge the funding gap to
Fall/Winter 2017