The Fox Focus 2024 Spring/Summer | Page 18

16 Fox Focus | Policy

From Toxic Chemical Bans to the National Plan :

Parkinson ’ s Policy Takes Center Stage

By Brenna Callahan
With historic progress on chemical bans , the first-ever federal legislation dedicated to ending Parkinson ’ s and more , Parkinson ’ s policy is capturing hearts and minds on Capitol Hill . And as the new biological era of Parkinson ’ s research takes hold , every advocacy achievement is more critical than ever .
The National Plan to End Parkinson ’ s Act Moves Forward
On December 14 , 2023 , the U . S . House of Representatives passed the National Plan to End Parkinson ’ s Act with overwhelming bipartisan support . Described as a “ dose of hope ” by the bill ’ s lead sponsor , Congressman Paul Tonko ( D-NY ), the National Plan is the first federal legislation solely dedicated to treating , preventing and curing Parkinson ’ s disease . As this newsletter went to print , the bill awaits consideration in the U . S . Senate .
Modeled after the National Alzheimer ’ s Project Act , which was signed into law in 2011 , this legislation , which will be implemented at no direct cost to the government if passed , will create a public-private advisory council comprising members of federal agencies , people living with Parkinson ’ s , care partners , researchers , clinicians and other experts . The council will be charged with creating and implementing a cross-functional , country-wide strategy to end Parkinson ’ s , regularly reporting its progress to Congress .
The National Plan to End Parkinson ’ s Act aims to : + Dramatically increase federal research funding ; + Develop more effective pathways for treatments and cures ; + Improve early diagnosis ;
+ Spark new and improved models for patient care ;
+ Create standards and measures to prevent Parkinson ’ s disease ;
+ Address health disparities in diagnosis , treatment and clinical trial participation ; and
+ Enhance public awareness of the disease .