The Fox Focus 2024 Spring/Summer | Page 14

Fox Focus | Research

Research Briefs

Robotic Exosuit Improves Mobility with Parkinson ’ s
An experimental , robotic exosuit allowed a 73-yearold man with Parkinson ’ s to walk without freezing of gait ( FOG ). For years , physicians have attempted to treat FOG — a common symptom of Parkinson ’ s that causes unintended stops and falls while walking — by using behavioral , medical and surgical approaches with little success that can be felt by patients . The exosuit , described in Nature Medicine , is the stuff of science fiction . It improves mobility by using cable-driven motors around the waist and thighs to assist normal muscle activity . While the suit needs to be tested in more people , initial results suggest that wearable robotics are a promising , new strategy for addressing challenging motor symptoms of PD .
Study Estimates Number of Preventable Parkinson ’ s Cases
Up to one third of Parkinson ’ s cases can be attributed to potentially preventable environmental factors such as repeated blows to the head and exposure to pesticides and military-related chemicals , according to a study published in npj Parkinson ’ s Disease . The study , which focused on the U . S . South , is the first to use statistics that estimate the percentage of disease that would be prevented if a risk factor were eliminated . Although the findings are not generalizable , this type of analysis can be repeated in other areas of the world to identify , better understand and eliminate regionspecific environmental factors underlying Parkinson ’ s disease .
Data Collection for Key Phase III Buntanetap Study Completed
Annovis Bio has finished collecting data for its Phase III clinical trial on buntanetap — a daily pill designed to halt the production of alphasynuclein proteins that form toxic clumps in the nerve cells of people with Parkinson ’ s . The trial is the most advanced of 16 current human studies targeting alpha-synuclein pathology and builds on Phase I / II data showing low dropout rates of people enrolled and improvement in motor skills . In a press release , Annovis announced that the data would be shared publicly after January 2024 and that the company is in the process of cleaning the data and performing s tatistical analyses .