The Fox Focus 2024 Fall/Winter Newsletter | Page 20

18 Fox Focus | Community

Extraordinary Feat of Endurance Raises $ 41 Million for Research and Inspires the Community

By Jess Cavallaro
After 41 days , 1 hour and 57 minutes at sea , a four-man team — one of them living with Parkinson ’ s — completed the “ World ’ s Toughest Row ,” a 2,800-mile journey across the Pacific , inspiring The Michael J . Fox Foundation community to raise a record-breaking $ 41 million for Parkinson ’ s disease research . Team Human Powered Potential ’ s ( HPP ) extraordinary feat of endurance , supported by an unprecedented 3:1 anonymous donor match , rallied a record number of donors , with every dollar raised going directly to research .
Team HPP ’ s journey began on June 8 , 2024 , when Brendan Cusick , Peter Durso , Scott Forman and Patrick Morrissey set off from Monterey , California on their epic voyage . Without the aid of a sail or engine , they rowed in two-hour shifts , pausing only to eat and sleep . “ There ’ s so much to take away from being out in such a simple yet hostile environment , throwing everything at you , testing your very spirit , your resolve and strength , but knowing that you can do it ,” says Brendan , HPP ’ s team captain . “ I knew I could do it because I had three amazing humans next to me and had what was in my heart , mind and spirit .” On July 19 , 2024 , the team landed in Kauai , Hawaii , greeted by cheering crowds and emotional embraces from their families and friends .
For Patrick , who was diagnosed with earlyonset Parkinson ’ s in 2019 , the challenge was deeply personal . “ The ocean , with its unpredictability , mirrors the journey of living with Parkinson ’ s ,” he says . “ As a team , we were able to manage my symptoms despite the obstacles we faced on the water .”
The impact of HPP ’ s journey extended far beyond the team itself , inspiring The Michael J . Fox Foundation ’ s first-ever Summer Challenge . This community-driven exercise challenge encouraged participants to set their own endurance goal and raise funds . Inspired by Team HPP , over 729 fundraisers took on new challenges , leading to more than 4,950 donations .
Judy Dunn of Southborough , Massachusetts , who lives with Parkinson ’ s , was so motivated by Team HPP ’ s story that she decided to row