Visit michaeljfox . org / ask-the-md to learn more about living well with Parkinson ’ s and recent Parkinson ’ s research topics .
Fall / Winter 2024 | Living with Parkinson ’ s 15
Following both DBS and FUS , many people are able to decrease or discontinue medications , at least for some time .
Distinctions Between DBS and FUS
DBS and FUS differ in technique , benefits and side effects .
Differences in Technique DBS requires incisions and placement of wires and a battery (“ hardware ”) that stay in place as long as you have the device . DBS needs regular programming to find personalized settings that maximize benefit and limit side effects and to balance settings with medication . It also requires battery maintenance and replacement over time .
With FUS , there are no incisions or placement of medical devices . It is a one-time procedure .
Differences in Benefits DBS is reversible by removing or disabling the system . DBS can be done on one or both sides of the brain to ease symptoms on both sides of the body . Benefits may last 10 to 15 years or more .
FUS provides immediate symptom relief . It is permanent and irreversible , as may be any related side effects . FUS can currently only be done on one side of the brain , so it eases symptoms for only side of the body . FUS may last five years or more ; longer-term studies are currently limited due to the relative newness of the procedure .
Over time , both treatments may feel less effective as motor symptoms increase or new , especially non-motor , symptoms arise .
Differences in Side Effects DBS has low risks of infection , bleeding , stroke and seizure . It can cause numbness , tingling , speech changes and other symptoms , but these may be eased or eliminated with programming adjustments .
FUS has a lower risk of infection or bleeding , but can cause slurred speech , unsteadiness and other symptoms .
Choosing the Right Treatment
Only you , your loved ones and your care team can decide which is best for you . Consider these tips :
+ Gather information about all potential treatments . MJFF offers several resources on these treatments . Visit michaeljfox . org / dbs and michaeljfox . org / fus to learn more .
+ Discuss your symptoms with a movement disorder specialist and neurosurgeon and ask whether you are a better candidate for DBS or FUS .
+ Chat with others who ’ ve had these procedures . Ask why they chose DBS or FUS , about their experience and what they wish they would have known . Connect through support groups or online forums , such as MJFF ’ s Parkinson ’ s Buddy Network .
Visit michaeljfox . org / ask-the-md to learn more about living well with Parkinson ’ s and recent Parkinson ’ s research topics .