The Fox Focus 2022 Fall/Winter | Page 19

Fall / Winter 2022 | Education 17

PD Resources for You and Your Family , 24 / 7

Whether you ’ re new to Parkinson ’ s disease , have been living with PD for years or you care for someone with the disease , The Michael J . Fox Foundation offers free educational resources to answer your most critical questions . Share them with your friends and family so they can learn too .
Third Thursdays Webinars
Join thousands of viewers live at 12 p . m . ET on the third Thursday of every month for in-depth discussions with expert panelists on living with Parkinson ’ s disease and MJFF ’ s work . Recent topics have explored the lesser-known symptoms of PD ; sleep issues ; and how to make the most of your telehealth visit . All webinars are also available on demand , any time , at michaeljfox . org / webinars .
The Parkinson ’ s Podcast
Hear from a wide range of experts on topics of interest to the PD community with our hosted podcasts . Recent episodes feature practical tips for managing the early years of Parkinson ’ s disease and the experience of acting out dreams while asleep . All podcasts are available via our website at michaeljfox . org / podcasts , or by subscribing in iTunes or through your smartphone podcast app .
Guides for Living Well with Parkinson ’ s
Learn practical tips and real-world advice for navigating life with PD with MJFF ’ s free , easyto-read guides written by movement disorder specialist Rachael Dolhun , MD , senior vice president , medical communications , and other experts . Our popular Parkinson ’ s 360 guide addresses the unique journey that every person diagnosed with PD takes . ( Available also in Spanish ; see below .) Download the guides at michaeljfox . org / guides .
Parkinson ’ s 360 en español
Parkinson 360 es un conjunto de recursos desarrollados por la Fundación Michael J . Fox para las personas y familias que conviven con esta enfermedad y una guía sincera con la que cualquier persona afectada por la enfermedad de Parkinson se puede identificar . Accesa la guía a michaeljfox . org / conociendo-la-enfermedadde-parkinson .