The Fox Focus 2021 Fall/Winter | Page 5

Fox Focus I PPMI Special Edition 3

“ We hope to gain important information that may help in understanding who is ‘ at risk ’ for Parkinson ’ s , who ultimately gets the disease , who does not , and why .”

We also have the support of a consortium of 40 nonprofit and private partners including the Aligning Science Across Parkinson ’ s ( ASAP ) initiative and longtime collaborators Lily Safra and the Edmond J . Safra Foundation . These partnerships allow PPMI to significantly expand its enrollment — bringing together a larger and more diverse group of individuals to increase understanding around how Parkinson ’ s develops and changes over time .
As you ’ ll read in this special edition of our Fox Focus on Parkinson ’ s newsletter , we have a lot of work ahead of us , but together , we can continue to move the dial on a cure for Parkinson ’ s .
With gratitude ,
Sohini Chowdhury , Deputy CEO and Head of Research