24 Fox Focus | Community
Community ( Virtually ) in Action
Despite this extraordinary moment we ’ re living in , the Parkinson ’ s community has led the way in providing lessons on resilience and the importance of connection .
Dan Kinel of Rochester , New York spoke with Brain & Life on his outlook after the “ world turned on a dime ” during the COVID-19 pandemic :
“ I ’ m even more appreciative of my ties with friends , my ability to connect through technology , my comfortable home , my loving family , and the extended community of people who care about me .”
MJFF ’ s Chief People Officer and General Counsel Jim McNasby commented on the historic U . S . Supreme Court ruling protecting gay and transgender workers from workplace discrimination :
“ People with PD have enough to navigate in the workplace without being fearful of losing their job because of who they love . As an equal opportunity employer and one that seeks and celebrates diversity , equity and inclusion , MJFF stands firmly in support of the Bostock ruling .”
Manon Day of Montreal , Canada contributed her perspective for a Foundation blog series on the intersection of Parkinson ’ s and racial bias :
“ I want people , especially clinicians , to know that Parkinson ’ s can impact anyone , regardless of age , race or ethnicity . I am using my voice to help raise awareness and break down myths and stereotypes grounded in racism .”
Share Your Story With Us
The Foundation is seeking to grow its community in order to share diverse stories from anyone touched by Parkinson ’ s . Email
shareyourstory @ michaeljfox . org and tell us about yourself .