The Fox Focus 2020 Fall/Winter | Page 17

Fall / Winter 2020 | Research 15


MJFF launches the landmark Parkinson ’ s Progressive Markers Initiative , the first-ever large-scale clinical study exclusively focused on identifying and validating PD biomarkers .
MJFF works to increase the flow of critical volunteers into clinical trials by establishing Fox Trial Finder , michaeljfox . org / trial-finder , the first smart-match tool for PD studies .
MJFF ’ s de-risking strategy drives the advancement of alpha-synuclein therapeutics to development as biotechs AFFiRiS and ReMYnd announce that their programs are entering the first human trials .


In collaboration with 23andMe , MJFF announces Fox Insight ( foxinsight . org ), an online clinical study building a large , diverse research cohort of Parkinson ’ s patients and control volunteers .
MJFF ’ s smart-match tool drives participation to human studies of Gocovri , an extended-release amantadine capsule used to reduce dyskinesia in PD , leading to its FDA approval .
The Foundation partners with the Center for the Advancement of Science in Space to send LRRK2 to the International Space Station for growth under microgravity conditions .
Sanofi Genzyme starts recruiting people with Parkinson ’ s and a GBA gene mutation for trials of a “ precision medicine ” therapy working on the GBA pathway .


FDA approves Inbrija , a rescue therapy that reformulates levodopa into an inhaler , the first regulatory approval of a Parkinson ’ s treatment funded by the Foundation .
At MJFF ’ s annual scientific conference , San Francisco biotech Denali Therapeutics announces positive results from its first-in-human LRRK2 trial . Forbes publishes a story on the “ milestone moment ” and credits MJFF ’ s role in pushing this genetic target forward .


Kynmobi , an under-thetongue apomorphine strip to quickly reverse “ off ” time , obtains FDA approval , marking the second regulatory approval for a treatment financially de-risked by MJFF .
MJFF study demonstrates $ 52-billion economic burden of Parkinson ’ s disease to individuals , families and the United States government .