THE FOURTH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION The fourth industrial revolution | Page 6

The evolution of the smartphone and the impact on our society


The first smartphone was created in the 20th century. In 1983 Motorola created the first mobile telephone, that started the generation of electronics like computers, laptops, tablets and the most famous, the smartphones. It’s amazing to think that the big phones became a little one, which we can take to everywhere.

Six years later, was released a smaller model, created by Motorola again, this model was lighter than the old telephone. This model was created to be carried in our pockets in a practic way.

In the end of the 20th century comes up the smartphones, it has more features than others, it was the emergence of the touchscreen, but it sold just a few units and was taken from the world market.

Before this failure occurred to smartphones, others technologies were invented like the smartphones with internet access and with four different colors at screen, the greatest revolution of the time.

In 21st century comes up the camera on smartphones, the biggest revolution of all the times, used in nowadays, when the camera was created, it had 0,1 megapixels.