The Fort Issue 11 March 2022 | 页面 18



Kim 8V - Don’t make assumptions based on race

One of the encounters that I had linked to race was at a highway. Me and my family went to the Alps for the summer holidays by car. When we were driving back to Germany at the toll of the German and Austrian border there were many police officers checking the vehicles for immigrants crossing illegally. When they saw my mum, grandma, me, and my siblings they started to seem a little hostile towards us. They made us show my mum’s, grandma’s, and my siblings and I’s passports and ID just because most immigrants are people of colour. My dad didn’t need to show anything due to the fact that he is white.

my siblings they started to seem a little hostile towards us. They made us show my mum’s, grandma’s, and my siblings and I’s passports and ID just because most immigrants are people of colour. My dad didn’t need to show anything due to the fact that he is white.

Abdul 8I - Racism should NOT be normalised

I may not have experienced racism all that much myself, but my parents and the people I know experience racism a lot, to the point where microaggressions are a normal part of their day. My mother has gotten used to strangers telling her to go back to where she came from and other rude statements. The first time this happened in front of me I got very angry, but she told me that nothing will change them and told me to calm down. This showed me how normalized this was to her and I applaud her for staying strong and being calm in moments I would not.

very angry, but she told me that nothing will change them and told me to calm down. This showed me how normalized this was to her and I applaud her for staying strong and being calm in moments I would not.

