The respondents confirmed the claim and vision of UNESCO ’ s and Montenegrin experts of cultural heritage : Responses state that the cultural heritage in Prcanj is endangered , as stated by 92.3 % of those surveyed ( even “ extremely endangered ”, as stated by 23.1 %).
To the question “ How much do State and Municipal institutions work towards protection of cultural heritage ?”, 61.5 % responded “ very little ” ( as a matter of fact , this is also due to the citizens ’ general indifference towards heritage values ).
The next question asked “ To what degree is Prcanj endangered by indiscriminate building ?”; 93.8 % of respondents confirm UNESCO ’ s claim ; among these , 40 % think that Prcanj is “ very endangered ” and 15.4 % that it is “ extremely endangered ”.
The apartment complex in the last preservd cultural landscape ?
Upon the following question in Prcanj ’ s cultural heritage questionaire : “ Do you consider the area Glavati , Valley of St . Anna ( meadows behind the parapet ) as a convenient location for building an apartment complex ?” ( 49.2 %) Of respondents stated that is not suitable at all for building the apartment complex .
( explanation ) Valley of St . Anna is the last preserved but not protected area of the cultural landscape of inner Kotor bay , which preserved its original horizontal and vertical structure , sprawling in full area from the sea to the hill . All ( 63.1 %) of respondents agree that the Valley of Sv . Ana - Glavati ( meadows behind the parapet ) as part of the last preserved authentic cultural landscape of the inner Kotor bay , requires a special protection at the level of Kotor municipality .