Is It Really 5 Years?
Reminiscing Florence + the Machine’s iconic Glastonbury 2009 show
his weekend (27th – 29th June
me suspicious. So when the BBC
different stages at the same time. I
2014), I’ve been watching a
Glastonbury coverage showed a clip of
chose the wrong one…. Seeing the TV
lot of Glastonbury Festival on
Florence, I wasn’t really prepared for
highlights afterwards confirmed it. I
TV. I’ve also been casting my memory
it! I won’t say what I initially thought
won’t say who the acts were (I’ve seen
back 5 years to Glasto 2009 - to one of
of Florence’s look (suffice to say I
all of them since then), and they were
the best ever (in my opinion), and
don’t think that way now!), but she
all great performances, but I definitely
feeling like something’s missing! Of
blew me away, in every aspect of the
made the wrong choice that night. Oh
course Florence is there this year,
cliché! Dog Days are Over, Rabbit
well, some you win…
dancing away to Arcade Fire, but I
Heart and Kiss with a Fist were seen at
Photo: BBC
can’t help feeling the band should be
various stages over the coverage, the
Lungs stamped itself on my mind that
on the stage there.
latter with Florence doing her now
summer (much to the annoyance of
Glastonbury 2009 is where I really
infamous climb up the gantry at the
my partner and daughter, neither of
discovered Florence + the Machine.
side of the stage! Lungs had not been
whom share my enthusiasm for
27 June 2009 to be exact, the date is
released yet, but I needed it. NOW! I
Florence!) I saw a few shows on TV,
embedded in my memory! Of course
recollect very few debut albums that
but wasn’t able to go to either of the
I’d heard of them before, and I’d heard
I’ve awaited with such baited breath…
gigs in Glasgow in September or
the lazy Kate Bush comparisons by the
December. The live experience had to
press. Anyone who knows me realises
2 weeks later, T in the Park. I made a
wait until the Cosmic Love Tour in May
that Kate is one of my favourite artists
decision which I regret to this day. The
2010, but it was well worth the wait.
of all time, so this immediately made
classic dilemma. 3 acts headlining on
Quite simply the most intense gig I’ve
The Flow Magazine – Issue 7/Summer 2014