Like most, as a kid I started out my fishing career with a push button reel. It served me well as I learned the love of fishing. Of course in time I felt the need for a challenge and in my young fisherman mind that was moving to a spinning reel. I took to and quickly mastered the spinning reel this gave me a feeling of accomplishment. Well soon I need a new challenge so I set my eyes on the baitcaster. Of course as most this one took time, so used the back yard and our local pond to put in the time to master this one. This did not happen very quick, but I did over time become more comfortable with the my baitcaster. After many birds nest and plenty of frustrations I soon learned to manage the baitcaster and it is now a staple in the fishing equipment line up.
From here I now fish both reels, most often you will see me with a baitcaster and from time to time I will use a spinning reel. So let me as a question to everyone, maybe it’s just me but do you understand the benefits and drawbacks of both reels? I would like to discuss these pros and cons of both reels with you as I see it.