The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 4 - Issue: 2 | Page 24

When it comes to baitcasting, the line comes off the free spinning spool as a straight, uncoiled line, but again, as the video clearly shows, and all fishermen know from experience, that line it is still somewhat chaotic and needs to be controlled.

They first tried a large ring setup of 20mm, 16mm, 12mm, 10mm, 8mm, 7mm, and two 6mm guides.

This layout resulted in a line flow that was choppy and bounced in waves through the guides.

Many people believe that the free spinning reel and "level wind" feature found on many models of baitcasting reels eliminates the need for larger butt guides, but slow motion video revealed that as the lure loses momentum and slows down, the line overruns the small guides and as the runs back and forth across the spool, it throws a wave into the line's motion and creates an oscillating and unstable line flow that bounces between guides.

Again, it was butt guide design that was critical and a reduction train of 10mm, 5.5mm, and the remaining six running guides at 4mm was found to be the optimum layout.

It was also necessary to match the guide height to more closely match the spool height of the reel. The super slow motion video, as well as casting distance tests, clearly demonstrates the superior performance of the K-R reduction train.

As for my own "experiments," I ended up buying the "micro guides" rod and it's a cannon compared to my traditional guide rods. Of course it's a better rod all around, but I've also watched the line as it feeds out and the smoother travel is noticeable even to the unaided eye.

If you're contemplating a new rod, or would like to see for yourself what I've been talking about, I highly recommend you check out the Fuji research video called "A revolution in rod component layout and design."