The Float Tube Fishing Forum Volume: 4 - Issue: 1 | Page 20

Light up your

float tube

Fishing at night or low light in a float tube can be an issue for other to see us. There has never been a way for us to really be seen in these conditions by other boaters. But leave it to our friend SP Dan to come up with a great idea to solve this issue.

One day when noticing a beacon light on a dog collar the idea came to him why can’t we attach this to our float tubes for better visibility. After some online research and locating Adventure Lights Guardian Dog, he ordered his beacon light. It is important to note these things; the light is waterproof, comes in Green, Amber, Clear, Blue, and Red, as well as it both flashes and has a steady light mode.

So how did he attach it? Simple locating the spot it would work best on on most tubes this would be the back of the tube. He simply made sure the area was clean and used Gorilla Glue to attach the base of the light to the shell of the float tube. He has been using this setup for a few months now and so far it has held great. Don’t go out in low light anymore without being seen while fishing in you tube, Light it up from the behind and be safe.