The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue: 3 | Page 30

Lets Pass On The Passion of Fishing

Right: Casting practic in the front yard with my kids, who can hit all the targets first.

These kids’ guys are the future of fishing, and it is our job to make sure they are ready for the responsibility. Take some time and show a kid what you know about fishing. If you do you not only are helping to continue this wonderful sport of fishing, but you also teach a kid to understand the joy of fishing and the outdoors.


Member: PAVO21

About 2 months ago I took my boys to our local lake, along with their cousins who are about 13, I showed them how to fish and they loved it. While teaching them along came this mom and grandma and daughter (about 4), she didn't really know English but she was trying to talk to me about what I was doing. So I just handed her the rod and she smiled, I showed her how to cast, how to hold the rod and reel it in she was so happy. Her mom and grandma sat on the bench behind me and the girl, and kept telling me thank you so much for letting her fish with us. I ended up letting her take the rod and reel home. It was a good feeling and my son was sad that I gave one of our fishing set ups away but he was happy after I explained to him that she didn't have one and we have plenty to help other people learn to fish.