The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue; 2 | Page 5

I had to pick up my tube and walk to areas that had about a foot of water to even float a little to make my way to the deeper waters.

I see some action on the other side of the reservoir of what looked like trout rising on flies. I make my way towards that spot as it was impossible for shore anglers to reach it. So, I plant my tube facing the action and seeing boils happening all over the place right in front of my very eyes! Man, if I had my fly rod, I’d be in heaven right now. So I cast my mini-jig out and get short bites. I threw out a DS trout worm and get bit. Oh yeah, easy limits on this spot.......wrong. All show no go after that. Plus the water level was so low that I kept getting strands of algae and whatever that's on the bottom floor. I felt bad in a way because while I only pulled up a few fish at that spot, the shore anglers weren't having any luck at all and I can hear them talking about, "that guy in the tube" kept getting all of the fish. Ha-ha, yeah, I felt guilty but it wasn't for very long.

I decided enough of this, I need deeper waters. I started kicking further downwards then felt the cooler waters and behold, DEEPER WATERS! I was actually floating to my surprise. Then that's when the fun began. I was getting them on the mini-jig, mice tails and trout worms with a mixture of rainbows and browns.

I hooked up a very nice Brown which spun me around a little and after getting a picture of it; it decided to kick hard and knocked my 2lb set up over my apron and into the water. DAM! I put the phone away and dipped my arm into the cold waters and got nothing but H2O and see my rod fall down to the abyss. After uttering a few more cuss words, I see the mini-jig that the 2 lb. set up was attached to still tangled with my line that caught the nice Brown. Oh hell yeah! I grabbed it and gently pulled back up my rod! Yes,! There is a happy ending to this. But during that confusion,, the Brown kicked out my hook remover (that I just bought) along with my rod set up. But I’ll take my rod over that $5.00 hook remover any day of the week. And of course all of this was happening while the Shore Anglers were watching. I was cettainly their amusement.

If you've ever been to PVR then you know that everything echoes. The voice and sounds bounces off the walls like a racket ball court. So, every whisper and fart can be heard by everyone even to a tuber that's way across the other side. So I can hear these two dudes counting my catch as I pull them in. At one point he said, ok that's his limits... but little did he know, I was releasing most of them. I only kept 5 to bring to the folks at my work. Total catch was 25 but could've been more if I didn't have to deal with the Rapid Shenanigans earlier in the morning. Cont. Page 14