The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue; 2 | Page 28

Words from

the Water

We cannot deny it. Compitition drives must of us. It helps us become better at our craft. But when it comes to fishing who are we truly competing against? Are we always in competition with each other even if it is not a tournment? I don't think so. We can improve our skills in our craft by competing with ourselves. Each time out, we should be thinking I am going to do better this trip then my last trip. Maybe I will try a new techenique and or improve on an old one. I will land a bigger fish orbring in more fish. Each time out should be seen as a chance to improve and compete against ourself. But always remember, fishing is fun! Sure! compete; bragg, and show how well you did, but above all, have fun!

Written by. J Bernier


Hood Baits