The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue; 2 | Page 26

A big welcome to our newest sponsors Rapid release Rod holders geranteed to release your rod everytime. Please make sure you see click on their site to see what they have to offer us.

December is going to be bus., Our 4th annual toy drive will be in full swing and we will be doing, "The Tri-Cities Park Float Tube Workshop and Derby" on the 6th and the 13th. We will be looking for some help with both events this year. If you would like to help out with either or both please contact us for more information.

I am sure most people have heard this but the first issue of our Float Tube Fishing Forum Magazine was a great success. We recieved over 67,000 clicks online. So Guys the sky is the limit, if you feel you could help in anyway, please let us know. We can get you involved in this fast growing off shoot of our popular forum.

Upgrading your aprons, for your tubes, Our rod wrapper wiseguy came up with a cool idea on replacing the tube apron. This is an upgrade any one can do. The use of a plastic lid attached to the crossbar and set in place. This gives you a better stable work station for your outings. He even attached a small tackle box from his rod rack. Nice work guys! Keep up the good work, and check out these full upgrades. Just click the picture below.

ftff news

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Tubin Tip's