The Float Tube Fishing Forum Vol: 1 Issue; 2 | Page 16

Now, time to head back. Going upstream was out of the question. So, I kicked towards the boat launch ramp, which is now way low because of the low water leve. Everybody

that was there in the morning are now all gone except this couple that showed up for a late afternoon fishing session. Now here's my dilemma. I'm at the boat launch ramp and if you've been to PVR, you know what I’m about to get at. It's about 2 miles away from the Power Plant! Here's my predicament. Do I try to haul ALL of my gear for the full 2 miles or make it two trips? So, I decided to not kill myself all at once and make it a two trip process. But that means I have to leave something behind. I chose to leave the tube and stringer as that's easier to see somebody

walking out with a tube instead of fishing gear. After making it to the car I see a few DWP workers and asked for the time. "Oh, it's about 4:00pm". What?!! 4:00pm! already? I headed back for my tube and yes, it's still there.

I wanted to give my fish away because it's a long walk back to the car especially with the sun still blazing down but there wasn’t anybody else there other than that couple but they're a ways down and I didn't want to shout... So, screw it, I took it with me. Damn that extra weight! Let me just say this, it will probably... no wait, this will be the ONLY time I’m EVER going to carry my float tube for 2 miles EVER EVER again. Ever! I made it, but I saw death approaching a few times but I told him not yet. Seeing the gate was a sight for sore eyes. Now my body aches, my neck is sore and more than anything, it's late. I have to work tomorrow and by the time I’m going to make it home it'll be 10:00 p.m.. So much for making it home and doing my Me-do list (opposed to Honey-do list).

By: Yellowrock