The Flawless Vision
faults, but those who have Gnan do not see faults in other people
at all.
Now you do not see people at fault, but surely someone is
guilty and responsible? All the faults that are created are yours
alone. The progress of this Science has been impeded simply
because people have failed to look, consider and accept all faults
as their own. They have not been able to deal with their own
mistakes as they should have been dealt with because they continue
to blame others for making mistakes. This science will move
forward when you understand your own mistakes.
Intellect: The Expert Fault-Finder
Absolutely no one in this world is at fault. The fact that you
see faults at all is your illusion. Do you understand this, somewhat?
Questioner: I understand some of it.
Dadashri: No one is at fault. It is your intellect that
relentlessly shows you the faults of others. This is why the world
continues on. The intellect is an expert at looking at other people’s
faults. Such a person will say, ‘That man has done wrong’. If you
were to ask this person to talk about his own faults he will tell you
that he has very few faults. Both of these responses are of the
Always Look At Your Own Fault
Questioner: Since no one is at fault, then it would also
mean that I am faultless too?
Dadashri: No. Why does one suffer? Suppose I were hit
by a falling rock and hurt badly, whose fault would it be?
Questioner: No one’s.
Dadashri: In such a situation you will infer that it must be