The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 75

46 The Flawless Vision vow) that you wanted liberation, but that vow was not strong enough. That is why you find yourself in your current predicament. In the end you had to come to Dada, did you not? Only Then Can You Consider Your Mistake Destroyed If you had destroyed even one mistake in each of your past lives, you would have already become liberated. Instead of destroying mistakes you have increased them fivefold. Your external appearance is pleasant, but within you there is endless strife. When do you know that you have destroyed your faults? You have no other authority (upri) over you, but you do need someone to point out your mistakes. You can destroy your mistakes, but how will you be able to find them by yourself? It is not as if you have only a few of them; you have countless mistakes. The mistakes of the physical body appear very serious – Some people use such brash language that even if they were to invite you to dinner for a sumptuous thirty-two course meal, you would be turned off. You would think to yourself that it would have been better if they had not invited you in the first place. People speak harshly and their minds are full of venom. Who Erases Your Faults? Who will destroy your mistakes for you? Only the Gnani Purush, the one who has destroyed all his mistakes can do the same for you. He is the one who despite the presence of the physical body, lives with the sense that he is not the body. He is Vitaraag, absolutely detached. This sense of total detachment from all ownership of the body is the seed of Knowledge. After destroying all seeds of ignorance, the seed of Knowledge begins to thrive. If you have even the slightest attachment for your body, it would not be regarded as the seed of knowledge. As long as