The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 71

42 The Flawless Vision
When a person destroys his mistakes , he becomes the Absolute Supreme Soul ( Parmatma ). He is the Absolute Soul , but he can only acquire the powers of Parmatma when he destroys his mistakes . These mistakes however are not destroyed and so a person does not acquire these powers . Otherwise he continues to exist in the relative world as a father , father-in-law , son , and doctor , etc . believing that is where his happiness exists . If he destroys his mistakes , he will acquire the powers of Parmatma . After this Gnan is bestowed upon him , he attains the awareness that he is Parmatama . Thereafter , the powers of the Supreme Lord begin to increase within him .
The only truth is one that enables you to see your own faults . There are countless faults . The One who destroys your blunder ( I am Chandulal ) is God .
You have been taught through traditional religion to see God in others , but you forget this when you quarrel with people . You quarrel over the most trivial things . You scold your child if he spills his milk . Now would any child spill milk on purpose ?
From time immemorial , people have acted on the custom that parents should scold their children . Is this the quality of a human being ? Humanity is supposed to be beautiful , dissipating its fragrance for miles around . When you begin to see your own faults , know that you are making progress . People in general cannot see a single mistake of theirs .
Such is the Nature of Mistakes
When the ego is dissolved , the blunder is destroyed . The ego will not dissolve by itself , nor can crushing it destroy it . The ego melts as the faults are seen . The ego is the manifestation of your mistakes . The entire structure of egoism is made up of the original blunder and consequent mistakes . When one is unaware