The Flawless Vision
become God. A single fault is all it takes! When you destroy just
a single fault you can become God. People manage to destroy
their faults only by creating new ones. In comes the new and out
goes the old. Otherwise it is possible for one to become God by
getting rid of just one fault, permanently.
Questioner: How can we prevent creating new faults?
Dadashri: There are only mistakes and nothing else. But
when can one destroy a mistake? One can only destroy one’s
mistake after attaining Self-Realization. Until this is achieved, not
a single mistake can be destroyed. Unless people achieve Self-
Realization, they will simply continue to ‘dig’ but also ‘fill’, ‘dig’
and ‘fill’, ‘dig’ and ‘fill’. Nothing they do is of any use and all their
efforts are in vain.
These are the Qualities of a True Jain!
Dadashri: Do you have at least two or more faults?
Questioner: More than that.
Dadashri: About ten or fifteen faults?
Questioner: Countless.
Dadashri: Yes, that is a true Jain. A true Jain is certain
that he has ego and faults. It does not matter that he cannot see
his faults, but as long as he has the conviction that he does have
faults, he can be called a Jain. One is a vessel of infinite faults.
When will one empty this vessel?
Questioner: When we have your blessings.
Dadashri: You made a very important statement.
As Many Faults: That Many Pratikramans Needed
You are a vessel of infinite faults, so you will have to do that