The Flawless Vision
defend yourself.
This entire world has been sleeping with its eyes wide open.
So how can people realize their own faults? You do not see your
own faults. How can a person see his own faults?
Questioner: I can see some of the obvious ones but not
the subtle ones.
Dadashri: Why can’t you see faults? Don’t you have a
soul within you? Of course you do! And that soul is in fact the
real judge. The ego is the plaintiff. When you have just the ego
and the judge, then you will be able to see all your faults. You will
see many of them. It is the lawyer within you (your intellect), who
defends your faults by telling you that everyone is doing the same
thing. Alas! The entire fault is overlooked! You know that people
solicit lawyers don’t you? Can you become free from your faults
when you are the judge, the lawyer and the plaintiff?
Questioner: No, we cannot.
Dadashri: Your ‘lawyer’ will go to any length to conclude
in your favor, would he not?
Questioner: Yes he would.
Dadashri: This madness continues throughout th