The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 64

The Flawless Vision 35 any use for my observation they should accept it or else, just disregard it. Questioner: You say it for their salvation. Dadashri:If I say anything to them, it is to caution them so they can find a way out of their life after life confusion, but if they choose not to heed my advice, I am not offended. I have no objection whatsoever. If I tell someone to do something and he does not listen, it does not matter. Questioner:It would not affect you at all? Dadashree: It is because I understand the reason behind why he says what he says. He speaks that way as a result of the unfolding of his karma. Does anyone disobey my Agna intentionally? He would never do that intentionally, would he? That is why I do not consider it a fault on his part. It is because of his unfolding karma that he speaks the way he does and so I have to accept it. If his prakruti becomes uncontrollable and belligerent, I have to restrain it, because he hurting himself and others. The world is full of prakrutis with infinite mistakes. Are you able to see your mistakes clearly and completely? Questioner: Yes, I can see them. Dadashri: And I am telling you that you cannot see even a single mistake of yours! You have more faults than you have hair on your head! How can you understand this? Questioner:Whether I make mistakes or not, is dependant on my karma is it not? Dadashri: Aha! So, you have made a good discovery!