24 The Flawless Vision
playing cards he must be aware and from within he should tell himself ‘ this is wrong , this is wrong , this is wrong .’ This should be the constant integral feeling within him . And if someone were to criticize him for playing cards , he must not defend his actions by saying that it is good to play cards . If he does so , the habit will be perpetuated . At such a moment , he should admit that it is indeed a bad habit . People keep a habit alive by defending it and then they complain about not being able to break it . So don ’ t reinforce your habits by defending them .
I also dealt with a similar experience through which I managed to find a way out . Although I have some faults like my pipe smoking , yet from within I am opposed to it . Things should not make you dependent on them . However , if you do become dependent on things , you should know how to be free from them . You become free the moment you discover the method to freedom and that is to harbor the contrary opinion . In no time your habit will leave you . A habit is considered broken only when it breaks by itself . If you venture to break it forcefully through your ego , it remains unresolved and you will be forced to face it in your next life . It is better that you break the habit through understanding .
So whatever habits you may have , whether it is playing cards or anything else , you may indulge in them as long as you oppose it from within your mind and tell yourself , ‘ this should not be so ’, ‘ this should not be so ’, ‘ this should not be so ’.
Suppose while giving a spiritual discourse to a gathering of a thousand listeners if someone openly lashes at you saying , ‘ what is the meaning of your preaching when you yourself cannot let go of your card playing habit ?’ At such a time you must not defend and hide your habit . You must openly admit that playing cards is indeed your weakness .
Questioner : Should I confess my mistake in front of a