The Flawless Vision
Take A Lesson From Me
People ask me why I need to disclose my faults openly and
what benefit is there in doing so. I tell them that I do it to encourage
you all to follow suit. How can you not find courage from what I
say? Whenever you disclose your faults, your mind gets exposed
and thereafter it will live in fear of being caught. Thereafter it will
live in fear of you because it knows you will expose it. Your mind
will think of you as a naïve person who has a tendency to divulge
everything. I have told (my mind) that I will divulge everything and
open everything to the sky. And that is when all my faults
disappeared. Faults come to an end in this way.
The Method of Destroying Faults…
Dadashri: How many mistakes are you aware of?
Questioner: A few. About four or five!
Dadashri: Who determines whether or not they are
Questioner: You realize it is a mistake when you experience
a loss.
Dadashri: Yes of course you would realize it then! But
who is the one that tells you that you have made a mistake? The
person committing the fault does not readily admit it, but when a
‘judge’ tells you that you have made a mistake, you would
recognize it and accept it; otherwise you would not. Generally
people do not admit their mistakes unless they can recognize them
as such. As soon as you make a mistake you should admit it
immediately; it should be ‘shoot on sight.’ Your mistakes will not
decrease if you do not do this. Do people around you admit their
Questioner: No they do not.