The Flawless Vision
Questioner: Those who have slipped into theoretical
knowledge, which by its very nature does not produce any spiritual
results claim that the soul is impervious and it is the physical body
that is affected.
Dadashri: There are many such people. They create more
confusion for themselves; that only perpetuates their confusion
and entanglements.
After listening to everything they have to say, I tell them that
the Lord has said that one must have the following qualities: Non-
violence in speech and forgiveness. They have none of these
qualities and yet so much arrogance!
Egoism and the Soul are poles apart.
Such laxity prevails because people have not known the
real answers and so everyone continues to be negligent in matters
of spiritual progress. But when someone like me comes along
and puts them on the spot by asking them questions, it shakes
them up.
Accept Faults Without Retaliation
I have no inflexibility in me. I accept my mistakes readily
when they are pointed out to me. I am even thankful to the person
who points out my mistakes to me, because if he sees them then it
means that the mistakes are there. I would not question whether
he is right or wrong.
If someone wrote, ‘Dada is a thief’, on the back of my
coat, would people not read it aloud? Now why would people
call me a thief? Because it had been written on the back of my
coat. I would only find out about it when I take my coat off and
see the words. Someone wrote the words. Others simply happen
to read them aloud. I must not react to such events.