The Flawless Vision
People will never realize their mistakes unless a Gnani
Purush points them out. There are infinite such mistakes, not just
a few.
Questioner: I can only see a few mistakes of mine, not
Dadashri: When you sit here in this satsang, many veils of
ignorance are lifted enabling you to see more of your mistakes.
Questioner: How do we acquire the awareness, which
allows us to see more of our faults?
Dadashri: You have a lot of awareness within you, but
you have not developed the inclination yet to look for your
mistakes. If a policeman wishes to look for a thief, he will find
one. If on the other hand he just casually says, ‘ It’s not worth
going after a crook. We’ll just catch him when he comes along.’
the thief would thrive. Likewise, these faults are hiding from you,
and if you go in search of them, you will catch them in no time.
What is the fruit of all your life labor? You have really earned
something only when you can see your faults one after another.
This entire satsang is about trying to see your own faults. Only
when you can see your own faults, will you be rid of them. When
will you see those faults? You will see them when you become
Self-Realized. You are a spiritually elevated being when you can
see more and more of your own faults. When you become totally
impartial towards your physical behaviour, your thoughts and your
speech, you will be able to see all your mistakes.
Darkness Prevents Us From Seeing Our Faults
Dadashri: How many of your faults are you able to see
and how many of them do you erase?