10 The Flawless Vision
tree , you will bind karma . To have good intentions about others will bind merit karma and through negative intentions for others you will bind demerit karma .
When you come to satsang and see people standing around , you may ask yourself why they are standing around and thereby spoil your inner intent . You must immediately do pratikraman for this mistake .
There Are Only Two Things In The World
There are only two things : the Pure Soul and circumstances . Why do circumstances arise ? Everyone faces different circumstances . One person never encounters hostility in his entire life , while another suffers abuse all the time . Why do two people encounter entirely different circumstances ? The reason for this is that the one living a peaceful life has never had the intent to hurt anyone , while the one being abused has had numerous intentions to hurt other living beings . How do these circumstances arise ? It is possible to find the causes of these circumstances .
Say you come across a very poor old man in the street and you give him eleven dollars . Your friend is astounded that you are giving him so much money and tells you to give the old man only one dollar . Now you are the giver and the old man is the receiver , but since your friend interceded , he created an obstruction for the recipient . An obstructive karma has been created for your friend . This obstructive karma of your friend will prevent the inflow of money to him in the life to come .
All that you encounter in your life are the collective circumstances of everything you had done in your previous life . They are not new circumstances . You have no superior power above you nor do you have anything that works beneath you . The world is entirely independent . Your mistakes and your blunders