The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 32

The Flawless Vision 3 If you disguise yourself as Indira Gandhi and go around telling everyone that you are Indira Gandhi, taking advantage of the situation, would that not be a blunder? Would you not be held accountable for it? By the same token, you have been taking advantage of your false imposition of ‘I am Chandulal’ and that is your blunder. Through this false imposition, faults occur. Only these two are your superiors, your blunders and your mistakes. Your assertion that ‘I am Chandulal’ is your blunder. Then, your assertions, I am her husband’, ‘I am his son’, “I am a doctor’ etc., are your mistakes. How many such mistakes are there? Questioner: Innumerable. Dadashri: You will not be able to get rid of the blunder by yourself. I will destroy your fundamental blunder and thereafter you can tackle the mistakes on your own. There is no other boss, except for the blunder and mistakes. People have unnecessary anxieties about some superior power over them. When can you realize your mistakes? People believe that God is their superior and that if they were to pray to him, he will free them from everything, but there is no superior. You yourself are your superior. You are your own protector and your own destroyer. You are whole and sole responsible for yourself. You are the only boss. Absolutely no one can meddle in this. The reason that you have a superior over you is because of your mistakes. You will have to destroy these