The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 144
The Flawless Vision
weakness will always be there. I too do the same to those close
to me. It just happens. This weakness exists in everyone.
Nevertheless we have to acknowledge it as a mistake on our part
and be of the opinion that it should not be so.
When a person intrinsically begins to feel that it is wrong to
find faults in others, then this habit of finding faults in others will
gradually go away and discharge. Everything is discharging.
When Mistakes Frighten You…
The adversities that one has to face, are in reality preceded
by the strength to endure it. If this were not the case, people
would be destroyed. This is a natural law.
Questioner: Is vyavasthit shakti behind all that?
Dadashri: That is vyavasthit in itself. It brings forth the
adverse circumstances, but it also brings forth the strength for one
to endure them. If this were not the case, there is no telling what
would become of man. Therefore there is no reason for any fear.
You should just tell yourself that there is nothing in this world except
yourself and Dada. You should be as bold as Dada; that there is
no one above you! Dada is the superior of all superiors!
Questioner: But Dada, our mistakes still frighten us.
Dadashri: Yes, they may.
Questioner: Until we reach the level you are at….
Dadashri: You will be afraid of your mistakes, but you
also understand what makes you scared. You know what it is.
But in reality you are Dada, are you not? There is no difference
between the two of us. In reality we are one, are we not?