The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 141

112 The Flawless Vision Dadashri: Through the Vidhis (the blessings performed by Dada while the seeker is knelt at his feet). Day by day you can destroy these veils and your ability to observe will increase. These veils had obscured everything before but now you are able to see a little more each day. You cannot see all your faults at the moment but do you not see at least a few every day? Questioner: I see a lot. Dadashri: Hundreds? Questioner: They just keep on coming like a chain. Dadashri: Even then you cannot see them completely. These veils will remain; there are so many faults. I too continue to make very subtle mistakes even when I am engaged in doing vidhis. These mistakes do not hurt anyone but nevertheless they do occur and I too have to wash them off immediately. Sort Your Own Grains Questioner: What if it is not in one’s nature to look at the prakrutis of others? Dadashri: It is fine if you see other’s prakrutis, but you cannot find and express faults in them. You may see the fault as an object but you cannot point it out to him. What is the need for you to see their faults when they have learned to see their own? Questioner: But what should we do if they pick out our faults? Dadashri: If they do that and you do the same in return, things will only get worse. If you do not respond or retaliate, they will get tired of blaming you and will eventually stop. You should be looking at your own faults instead of wasting your time in looking at other people’s faults. Your faults are endless and yet you look