The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 137

108 The Flawless Vision sins that I yearn for liberation. Dadashri: Yes, they are countless. So many have been committed. Questioner: Whenever I see my faults I begin to wonder what would have happened to me had I not met Dada. Dadashri: When you see your own sins, you should know that you have made some progress. Your degree towards the full realization of 360 degrees has increased. There is no one in this world who can see his own faults, ever! The one who sees his own faults will become God. Questioner: Dada do something so that I will not see faults in my wife or anyone else. Dadashri: No. You will see faults. It is because you are able to see them that the Soul remains as the ‘Observer’ and what you see is the object to be observed. Questioner: But can’t anything be done so that we do not see faults in others? Dadashri: No. If there is nothing to see, then the Soul does not remain. It is because of the presence of the Soul that you are able to see faults, but they are not really faults. They are objects (that which has to be observed). The Flawless Vision Of The Vitrag What a vision the Viatraag must have had to see this world as flawless! If you ask them, ‘With what vision do you see the world flawless?’ They would reply, ‘Ask this to a Gnani Purush. We cannot come down to answer you.’ You can ask the Gnani any details. What the Vitaraag have seen, I have also seen. Questioner: Do you mean that we should see people as