The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 134
The Flawless Vision
you: Oh my goodness! So many faults!
Chandubhai is getting angry; Chandubhai is the one at fault.
Can You see and catch Chandubhai’s faults?
Questioner: Yes I am beginning to catch them. Dada I
really liked what you said when you said that the fault is gone the
minute I see it.
Dadashri: It leaves the moment it is seen. That is why the
scriptures say that Lord Mahavir has said that you should look at
the fault. You fail to see your faults because you are immersed in
them. Your faults have taken possession of you and therefore
you become blind to them. But if on the other hand, you simply
see that fault, it will leave.
What demands are being made upon you now? The body
complex now raises the issue: “What is to become of me now that
you have become Pure Soul?” If you say that you do not have
anything to do with it anymore, it will not accept that. It will
accuse you of spoiling it in the first place and will demand that you
now turn it back to the way it used to be. You have no choice in
the matter. So how are you to break free? The answer is that
whatever you have previously seen and therefore acquired through
ignorance of the Self, has been the cause of bondage and so now
you will have to see it through Gnan (The Self) in order to become
free from it. So without Gnan, you will not get rid of your faults.
Ignorance creates bondage and Gnan liberates. Gnan means to
‘see’. Once you see the faults, you become free of them, no
matter how grave the fault.
Above it all, this is Akram. In the Kramic (traditional
spiritual) path people have evolved through their ongoing efforts
to be rid of their faults but here in the path of Akram Vignan, no
one comes prepared, and faults are rampant. That is why if