The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 130
The Flawless Vision
this day and age you have acquired this phenomenal pure science
of Akram. All you now have to do is be aware from this level (I
am Pure Soul) and get rid of the baggage you have brought with
you. Keep washing your faults away through pratikraman.
There are countless mistakes. It is because of these
mistakes that sleep overcomes you. This is the sleep of lack of
awareness of The Self. Otherwise how is it possible for you to be
sleepy? Sleep is the enemy of your awareness. You may fall asleep
physically or even when you are wide awake. The latter is spiritual
Even in pure awareness spiritual laziness is considered unholy
awareness. The Gnani sleeps for only one hour, because he is
constantly aware. Your awareness will increase when your food
intake decreases and sleep decreases. Your awareness will also
increase when you follow my Five Agnas. Too much sleep is a
sign of spiritual apathy and laziness. It is like tying up the Soul in
a bundle. When your need to sleep decreases, when your food
intake decreases, know that your laziness, both spiritual and
physical has decreased. A person who has destroyed his mistakes
will have radiance on his face. His speech will be enormously
attractive and people will follow him wherever he goes. If a person
believes he has no faults then how will he be able to see them? He
then sleeps soundly. The ascetics sleep very little; they have
tremendous awareness.
Mistakes Of Darkness: Mistakes Of Electricity
Your observable mistakes will cease because they create
conflict with others. Besides these, there are countless faults at
subtle and deeper levels, which once they begin to come to light
and clear, will result in a noticeable change in you. This change is
the attraction people will have for you and your company and