The Flawless Vision 99
Questioner : Dada , you have to remain within the limits of this path of liberation ; and at the same time carry out your worldly interactions . You have to be careful not to hurt each and every individual that comes to you , and yet at the same time , you often have to speak harshly with some people in order to help them be rid of their disease , which hinders their spiritual progress . You have to do all this Dada !
Dadashri : And sometimes I even read storybooks about outlaws and bandits !
Questioner : You have to do that too and at the same time not lose sight of liberation .
Infinite Grace Of The Gnani For The Simple-Hearted
Even after acquiring this path of liberation , this person cannot progress as fast as you . Spiritual apathy is inevitable and I have to ‘ carry ’ many people . Some people are like kittens , the cat has to carry her kittens herself , whereas you are like the baby monkey , which clings to its mother and never lets go . But I have to carry a person , like this man here . His simple-hearted and straightforwardness pleases me and that is why I ‘ carry ’ him around .
Straightforward people are very open . They open all the cupboards . See it all , they say . This is what we have . And deceitful ones will open only one cupboard , and say that the second cupboard will be opened only if Dada asks and not otherwise . And these others will open up everything even before being asked . Do you understand straightforwardness ?
Virtues You See in Others Will Manifest Within You
The virtue that you see in others will manifest in you . If you consider a person virtuous because he does not retaliate , even