The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 115

86 The Flawless Vision through active application of my Five Agnas. Purushaartha (Individualized Effort) or Krupa (Grace)? Questioner: Does one have to make a strong purushaarth in order to see his own faults? Dadashri: For that you need grace, not your own effort. All efforts are irrelevant here. You do need grace however, and that is bestowed upon you when you keep Dada happy. And how do you do that? By abiding by his Agnas. Dada is only concerned about how much you abide by his Agnas. It is not important to him whether or not you garland him with flowers. You do however; gain some worldly and some spiritual benefits in doing so. To destroy all your mistakes you will have to either immerse yourself in serving the Gnani and the mahatmas or do that which leads to the Self. If you come to do Dada’s darshan, you will reap devotional benefits but no benefits of Gnan. If it is your firm decision that you want to abide by Dada’s Agnas, then through his grace you will be able to do so. When you abide by the Agnas, you will remain as The Self. This science is the “cash bank of divine solution”, and it gives you instant results. If you remain in my Agnas for one hour, you will attain full Self State. Courteousness and Sterness while remaining Detached Questioner: The topic of settle with equanimity of files had come up in the satsang, and it was said that it is not necessary for one to be overly kind towards the sticky files, if in doing so, those files react even more negatively. Dadashri: There is no need for one to do that, but it is