The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 106

The Flawless Vision 77
I have absolutely blocked twenty-five types of attachments that charge new karma for the next life . The discharge of attachment karmas is inevitable . Lord Mahavir too had discharge of attachment karma , but since most of his had been discharged , there was very little of it left . We , on the other have a lot left to discharge . The Lord had only a handful to discharge , whereas we may have millions . He had already paid off all his debts and you will too , ultimately . And are you not settling all your debts with equanimity ? Yes , and that is all you have to do .
Good habits and bad habits are nothing but an illusion . Now you are above all illusion . Why should you cling on to what is no longer real ?
You have to observe the faults and know how many of them there are . See fault as a fault and virtue as a virtue . Good is considered a virtue and bad is considered a fault . This distinction is not applicable where the Soul is concerned . As far as the Soul is concerned , there is no such thing as virtue or fault . These are all distinctions made in the worldly life , which is the language of illusion . Where the Soul is concerned , there is no such word as fault .
Lord Mahavir did not see any one at fault , not even a pickpocket . Not even the person who tortured him by putting nails in his ears as he sat in meditation . On the contrary the Lord felt compassion for him , knowing the consequences to him for his actions .
This is a short cut . You have acquired your Soul and the fact that this awareness has been acquired is a monumental achievement . No one is able to acquire the awareness of the Pure Soul , even for a fraction of a second , so you have attained the highest state . The day you acquired this Gnan , many of your sins were destroyed and that is why this awareness remains constantly , without faltering .