The Flawless Vision The Flawless Vision | Page 104
The Flawless Vision
The Responsibility of Deeds: Good Or Bad
This world is vyavasthit. Vyavasthit shakti (Scientific
Circumstantial Evidences) is responsible for sending us the fruits
(consequences) of our past life offences. You should allow them
to come to you, accept them and settle them with equanimity.
Whatever mistakes you had made in your past life are coming
back to you in this life, and even if you steer straight in this life,
the mistake will still get in the way, which is why it is considered
your fault.
There are two kinds results of past life mistakes: Someone
praises you or insults you, both circumstances represent your
mistake. Praise is the result of merit karma and insult is the result
of demerit karma. Whatever mistakes you have made previously
are fed into the master computer and then justice is carried out
accordingly through scientific circumstantial evidences. You have
to pay the price for whatever offense you have committed. All
you have to do is resolve your mistakes with equanimity, without
protest. What happens when you do not raise any objections?
When the time comes, the effects of your mistakes will unfold,
they will be experienced, and then the fault will leave. The
problems are compounded when people raise objections, so it is
best to remain silent in order to resolve past accounts.
In his previous life, the Gnani Purush has not made any
mistakes and that is why he has all material comforts at his disposal.
Since all of you have now met a Gnani Purush in this life, all you
have to do is deal with your past mistakes with equanimity. If you
do not create any new ones, you will not have to face any more
difficulties and you will achieve liberation.
Will you not have to destroy your mistakes?
Questioner: But first we should be able to see our