What keeps a person bound in this world? Why does one
have to suffer miseries? How does one achieve peace? How can
one achieve liberation? One is bound by one’s own mistakes and
not by anyone; not even one’s own family. People are not even
bound by material wealth. The only thing that binds one is one’s
own blunders and mistakes. The ignorance of one’s Real Self is
the root cause of all mistakes and as a result one continues to
make endless mistakes. These mistakes range from the most
obvious (sthool) to the subtlest most (sookshmatam).
It is this ignorance that flaws one’s perception, leading one
to see faults in others, creating attachment, (raag) and abhorrence
(dwesh). And consequently one continues to bind karma. One’s
vision becomes flawless when one receives the knowledge of one’s
Real Self and it is the new altered vision that makes one regard
others without faults. When this stage occurs, one no longer
experiences raag and dwesh; one becomes free from the shackles
of karma and becomes Vitrag. What is the nature of mistakes?
The fundamental mistake is one’s ignorance of one’s Real Self.
Then comes the mistake in one’s belief that one is correct and not
at fault and that all others are incorrect and at fault. One continues
to make such mistakes even to the point that one attacks the very
person instrumental in helping one discharge one’s own past karma.