Sports Review
Another Solid Year
Grey puts in another good performance, with standout performances
from many of our teams.
Sophie Mar-
tin, Sports
and Societ-
ies Officer
Grey has had a fantastic year in terms
of sport, coming third place in the
overall league table. Some particular
highlights from the year include the
outstanding success of the women’s
hockey team, who not only won the
Premiership but also managed to
win the trophy. Tamsin Brown led the
squad through an undefeated sea-
son and it comes as no surprise that
Team Durham awarded them Team of
the Year at the Dinner of Champions.
Men’s football also had a fantastic
year, special mentions to the B team
who have been promoted and to the
A’s who managed to reach the final of
the floodlit cup. Despite no fans being
allowed at the game, it was amazing to
see so many members of Grey come
down to support the boys in the bar.
This year saw the emergence of an-
other Mixed Lacrosse team and despite
a very shaky start, the team soon found
their feet and emerged at the top of
the league table and thus will be pro-
moted next year.
By now it must come as no surprise
that we topped the leader board for
both men’s badminton and ultimate
Frisbee. Each year these teams continue
to prove their prowess and constantly
Mention must also go to men’s
squash, who managed to come first in
the league for both the A and B team.
Volleyball too also placed first place in
their league.
The men’s Futsal team enjoyed a
brilliant first season. They managed to
beat every team from Durham City with
the only defeat from ten games com-
ing against Stevenson. Unfortunately
they were denied outright victory in the
league due to their 13-13 draw with
John Snow resulting in them having to
share top spot with the Stockton team.
Cricket enjoyed a tremendous season
at Grey. Two teams were entered in
the Indoor leagues with the A’s mak-
ing the final. The Outdoor season then
proceeded in almost identical fashion.
With over 30 players taking part across
the season the B’s finished runners up
in Division 1 and the A’s made it to
finals day. This time nothing could stop
the team, who beat both Aidans and
Collingwood to clinch the trophy.
Rounders had an astonishing season
and won every game they played and
are therefore promoted to the premier-
ship division next year!
The societies within Grey are constant-
ly improving and this year saw Choir
emerge as it’s own society who put on
a brilliant performance in the Castle.
Darts continued their mighty reign
and once against managed to win the
cup after an epic showdown against
Grey in the Community had a fantas-
tic year and hosted the first ever Grey
in the Community Challenge, which
saw many teams across the college
helping out in the local community,
such as Grey Cheer who taught a local
disabled school a cheer routine. These
connections that have been formed will
hopefully continue on throughout the
years and become an established part
of Grey.
Overall sports and societies continue
to thrive within Grey and the participa-
tion rate amongst students continues
to grow each year, which highlights the
inclusivity and wide range of choice
there is here at Grey.