The FinTech 50 2014 Mar. 2014 | Page 35

FinTech50 The most successful FinTech companies continue to achieve “super premiums” from buyers, due to the significant market opportunity and strong recurring revenue models. FfastFill, for example, the leading SaaS Provider for trading and risk management serving the electronic trading community, was acquired by ION Trading. Digital Insight, which creates online “The most successful FinTech companies continue to achieve ‘super premiums’ from buyers” banking and mobile banking innovations proven to help banks and credit unions connect with customers and grow, has been acquired by NCR for $1.6bn, which also recently acquired Alaric Systems for $84m. Having sold FinTech companies since 1999, ICON has seen at first hand why buyers are attracted to businesses in this space. The most sought-after share a number of characteristics. They operate in large and growing global markets. They are world class in their niche. They have attractive underlying business models with strong recurring revenues and have a demonstrable opportunity to drive top line growth with world class management teams. Overall, they have strategic relevance to the buyer. A classic example of the “London FinTech” effect is the business my-Channels; originally founded by a team of