The FinTech 50 2014 Mar. 2014 | Page 32

FinTech50 PREPARING FOR A NEW DATA SECURITY ENGINE Nigel Miller, Head of Technology, Fox Williams T he EU’s proposed new General Data Protection Regulation – expected to be adopted in 2014 and to come into force two years later - will impact all sectors but especially FinTech, where data security and privacy are key issues. Data protection laws have remained largely unchanged since the EU Data Protection Directive in 1995. Not only does the current law pre-date relatively recent developments such as social media, mobile apps, cloud computing and big data, it does not even contemplate mainstream Internet technologies. The proposed new Regulation – described as one of the most lobbied pieces of European legislation in history – seeks to update data protection laws and to harmonise them within the EU. It will apply not only to organizations that are established in the EU, but also to those outside the EU that target EU citizens either by offering them goods and services, or by monitoring their behaviour. Under the proposed new Regulation, data controllers must implement appropriate technical and organizational meas