believe that FinTech in Europe is
by far the most interesting industry for startups today. SEPA is a
great example of how fast environments change and we definitely feel
that new great European innovators
will appear in the next few years.
We travel a lot and believe that situation is the same everywhere. We
want mobile apps, one-click experiences, beautiful UIs but also fast
payments and transfers. Europe is
an amazing space to create an international business. wants to
help entrepreneurs and SMBs run
their businesses better by focussing
on key financial analytics instead of
spending time on manual tasks and
About is the smart dashboard for
the SaaS Generation. Connect your
online accounts & business apps
in a single cloud. Automate tasks
and get instant reports about your
expenditure, sales & bank data. works with Barclays, Citybank, Stripe, Freshbooks, Google
Adwords, PayPal, Github, Amazon
Web Services and more than 400
@sushio @tgparis
o everyone speaks about data
these days. We heard how it
could become “the new oil”,
how we need to master “Big Data”
in our enterprises, or risk withering
away against smarter competitors.
True or not, data is everywhere and
will further explode in the next
decades. That’s why so many believe
data scientists have the sexiest jobs
of the century. However, keeping a
technology accessible to super-specialists only is what we challenge.
Technology needs to become simpler
to use, just like anyone can drive a
car today, or operate a computer. The
SynerScope team answers to the call
to drive complex analytics the same
way. We build systems and tools so
anyone can perform complex data
analytics without demand for specialized math and data skills. We appeal
to the powers of your visual brain,
thus unlocking information from data
100-1000 times faster than classic
analytic workflows. Mass Data exploration becomes economically viable.
Our first mover industry is insurance,
where through claim analysis we help
improve margins by 3-4%.
SynerScope allows financial corporations to work with extremely fine
grained categorization of their customers for analysis while maintaining a
full overview. The system is both agile
and flexible as there is minimum data
modeling involved. Our technology
supports individual pricing strategy
and detailed behaviour monitoring
while operating at scale.
@synerscope @JKBuenen